Friday, February 21, 2014

Why Jesus Week 1- "What's the Big Deal about Jesus?"

This Sunday night, we will be beginning a new series titled "Why Jesus".  This series will aim to answer some basic questions surrounding the person of Jesus and why he came to earth.  The first week's title is "What's the Big Deal about Jesus".  Listed below are discussion questions that are follow up from the lesson.
-Have you ever heard people say that Jesus was fake or wasn’t really the messiah?  How did you  handle that situation?
- What is the difference between a prophecy and a prediction?

-Why is it important for Christians to know about the prophecies from the Old Testament that are related to Jesus? 

-How can knowing about these prophecies produce faith in somebody’s life?

-How can believing in the fulfillment of over 400 prophecies about Jesus help you share your belief with others?



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