Friday, February 21, 2014

Gospel Journey Week 6 Discussion Questions

Why Do Bad Things Happen- Week 6
-Do you think that the things that happen in our lives– even the “bad stuff” is randomly put there, or is there some reason behind them?
-Which cast member’s perspective best represents your answer to why bad things happen?  What do you base your personal belief on?
Read Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-11, 3:14-19
-How do these verses explain why bad things happen?
-Greg distinguished two kinds of “bad”: moral evil vs. natural disasters.  Ex) Hitler’s holocaust vs. Tsunami in Indonesia. 
How would you explain the difference?  What is the source of each one?
-Jonathan said that good things can sometimes come out of evil.  What do you think?  Can you think of an example?

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