Friday, March 14, 2014

Why Jesus week 4- "Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?"

If you hadn't noticed by now, the Gospel Journey series and the Why Jesus series parallel each other very closely with many of the questions surrounding the Christian faith.  This week as students consider "What was Jesus Message" in Sunday School through Gospel Journey Maui, we will be discussing the question "Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?" at Crossroads.  These are prime opportunities to share what we believe about faith in Christ, to challenge our students to solidify their own belief, and then to pray for and seek opportunities to share this truth with others.  I hope that as we come closer each week to Easter, we will all be a little bit more bold about what we believe to be certain about Jesus and the message he shared while he walked the face of the earth.  The question's need to force us beyond simply a head knowledge about Jesus, but a lifestyle of action that supports what we say we believe.  Here are the questions for the Why Jesus series finale:

Is Jesus really the only way to heaven?

Read John 14:5-7

From Jesus’ own words… do you believe that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life… that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus?

Do you believe that a life lived apart from him, involves a serious consequence and that means eternal separation from him?

If you believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, are you willing to share it with your friends who don’t know or believe that truth?


Gospel Journey Week 9 Discussion Questions

This week's topic was "What is Jesus Message".  This portion of the series gets right at the heart to explain what Jesus said and why it is important that we consider His words.  Jesus can't simply be just a "nice guy".  As we explored before, He is either Lunatic, Liar, or Lord.  What did He have to say and what are the implications for us today.  Here are the corresponding discussion questions:
-If Jesus was born in our time, what would he need to do to prove He is God?
Read John 3:1-21
-What surprised you from this scripture passage?
.What is your reaction to Jonathan’s offended response at having to read the Bible?  How would you talk to a friend who felt the same way?
.Last week we asked Who is Jesus to you.  After you have considered that question, this week the question to wrestle with is this- What are you going to do with Jesus?
-Does knowing Jesus message motivate you to live differently?  How?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Why Jesus week 3- "Were Jesus' miracles just an illusion?"

We started off 2014 with a series titled "Incredible" and as a group we looked at several of the miracles that Jesus preformed while he was physically here on earth.  We have many instances of these miracles recorded in the Bible, while there are likely countless others that were simply just not written about.  Believe it or not, these miracles either draw people to believe in Jesus or create more skepticism about Him.  Some people seriously believe that many of the things that Jesus did were illusion.  In week 3 of our Why Jesus series, we look to dispel the idea that the miracles were just some crazy magic trick and that Jesus did these things to bring Glory to God, to heal those who were sick or oppressed and so that many would see or read about these things and put their faith in God.  Our hope is that remembering what Jesus did would just be fuel to the fire of our faith.  Here are the discussion questions from this week's portion of "Why Jesus"

Read Matthew 11:20-24
Why do you think people try to disprove or deny that Jesus’ miracles were authentic?

As we look at modern-day America , with our many churches, Christian TV and music, Christian schools, clubs, and camps– what are some parallels between America and Capernaum?

Are you at all like the city of Capernaum?  Have you heard over and over the good news of Jesus and still reject him in your own life?

Do you know anybody who’s in need of the miracle of forgiveness?  Would you care enough for that friend to bring them to Crossroads or tell them about Jesus?


Gospel Journey Week 8 Discussion Questions

This week's topic we will uncover is "Who is Jesus".  Many people have many responses to this question, in fact Jesus, not wanting to assume anything of his own disciples asked this question:
"Who do people say the son of man is?" followed by "But who do you say I am?" (Matt 16:13-17).  He wanted to be absolutely clear with his followers about who He was.  We want our students not just to verbalize who Jesus is as if they are only looking to get the "right answer", but we want them to understand and experience the truth and life changing power behind knowing who Jesus really is!
Here are the discussion questions from this week's video:

-How would you fill in this blank:  To me, Jesus is __________?

-Who do you say that Jesus is?

Read Matthew 16:13-17

-Has your answer about who Jesus is changed since we started watching this series?

-Is the idea that Jesus is the Son of God a human idea?  Why or why not?

-What did Jesus way would happen to those who don’t believe his claim of being God?  How does that effect how you believe?  What about how you live?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Getting to the Heart of Parenting Conference thoughts

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a two day conference featuring Dr. Paul David Tripp, who is a renowned teacher, professor, and pastor.  He has become well known for his travels and teachings on parenting.  His brother wrote the book "Shepherding a Child's Heart".  The conference was held at Wheaton Bible Church, and I would highly recommend parents who have kids from 0-18 in the home (or out of the home) to attend one of these conferences if possible.  It was revolutionary for me not only as a parent, but as an adult who works with students on a regular basis.  I believe that although many of the strategies and ideas shared are primarily best utilized in the home, if we cared for children and students and sought to teach them in the same way- watch out!  The world would look a lot different!

Here are some of my main takeaways:

The Family- Is God's primary learning community

-If as parents we are only trying to restrain and control behavior, we haven't given our kids anything!
-Point to God every opportunity that you can in your relationship with your children
-It's hard to give away (faith) what you don't have yourself
-Don't begin by asking God to open your kid's eyes.  Begin by asking Him to open your eyes!
-One of the most important things is to teach Christ's love, and that will take sacrifice!
-If we don't put God in the center of their world- they will be in the center of their own world!

Parents: In God's economy NOBODY can replace you.  The church is meant to EQUIP you and the School and State to help resourcefully.

The Heart- is the causal core of your personhood.  Its the heart that shepherds, shapes, and controls behavior
-Lasting change in the life and behavior of a child travels through the pathway of the heart (Matthew 15:11-30, Luke 6:43-46, Mark 7:17-23)

My Personal  Conclusion:
This was just a small sample of the overall Biblical picture of parenting that was presented.  Our job as parents and leaders is to care for, cultivate, and challenge the heart of our children and students.  It is a big challenge because like us, our kids and students are born sinners with a will and a desire to serve-self every minute of the day.  If we want to see our children and students live a life that honors and points to Christ- we need to model it for them and consistently, in love, speak that truth into their lives.  It takes work- its not free or easy, but it's worth it!  As a parent myself, I am in the thick of all this as well.  That being said- we as a community want to help you fulfill your call by God as parents to lead and disciple your children.  God gave that responsibility to parents and we want to help equip you and support your ministry at home!

If you wanted to check into more resources by Paul David Tripp you can check out his webpage HERE.