Friday, February 28, 2014

Gospel Journey Week 7 Discussion Questions

This week, the video topic was "What happens after we die".  Every belief system deals with this question and there are several different takes.  Here are the questions for this week.

-What happens after we die?

.What do you think happens to people when they die?

.Do people have control over what happens to them after they die?  Why or why not?  Do you have any proof or evidence of what you believe? 

Read 1 Corinthians. 15:12-18 (NLT)

.What is the connection between Christ’s resurrection and ours?
.Why is the hope of all Christians founded on the resurrection of Christ?
.Is it possible that only Christians are resurrected and non-believers just die?  Why or why not?

Why Jesus week 2- "Was Jesus God, or just a good man"?

In week 2, we are exploring the question, "Was Jesus God, or just a good man".  In this week's lesson we will consider C.S. Lewis' famous "Trilemma" regarding Jesus:
1– He is a Liar
2– He is a Lunatic
3– He is Lord

Here are the questions that we had the students dissect in small group on this subject matter.

If you were alive when Jesus was walking the earth, which of these labels would you have put on him?

Today, who do you believe that Jesus is?

If we truly believe that Jesus is Lord, what should our response to him be?

How would you share with a friend who thought that Jesus was just a good guy? 

What would you say convinced you to believe what you do about Him?


Friday, February 21, 2014

Why Jesus Week 1- "What's the Big Deal about Jesus?"

This Sunday night, we will be beginning a new series titled "Why Jesus".  This series will aim to answer some basic questions surrounding the person of Jesus and why he came to earth.  The first week's title is "What's the Big Deal about Jesus".  Listed below are discussion questions that are follow up from the lesson.
-Have you ever heard people say that Jesus was fake or wasn’t really the messiah?  How did you  handle that situation?
- What is the difference between a prophecy and a prediction?

-Why is it important for Christians to know about the prophecies from the Old Testament that are related to Jesus? 

-How can knowing about these prophecies produce faith in somebody’s life?

-How can believing in the fulfillment of over 400 prophecies about Jesus help you share your belief with others?



Gospel Journey Week 6 Discussion Questions

Why Do Bad Things Happen- Week 6
-Do you think that the things that happen in our lives– even the “bad stuff” is randomly put there, or is there some reason behind them?
-Which cast member’s perspective best represents your answer to why bad things happen?  What do you base your personal belief on?
Read Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-11, 3:14-19
-How do these verses explain why bad things happen?
-Greg distinguished two kinds of “bad”: moral evil vs. natural disasters.  Ex) Hitler’s holocaust vs. Tsunami in Indonesia. 
How would you explain the difference?  What is the source of each one?
-Jonathan said that good things can sometimes come out of evil.  What do you think?  Can you think of an example?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Connect.Ignite.Advance- Winter Camp Re-Wind

At Crossroads on Sunday night, we will be reviewing the thoughts shared on our Winter Camp trip.  The theme for the weekend was "Connect.Ignite.Advance" and focused on being connected to God and Others, having our hearts ignited by His message (The Gospel), and then doing our part to advance the message and share with others.  Here are the questions that students will be covering in small group together this week

-Why is it important for us to connect regularly with God?

-Why is it important for us to connect regularly with other Christians?

-What are some things that we spend our time on instead of connecting with God?

-What can you do to connect with God more often?

-God calls us to share his message (The Gospel) with others.  What are ways that you can advance the Gospel with others this week?


Gospel Journey Week 5 Discussion Questions

The topic of discussion for this Sunday (2/16) revolved around the question "Why are there so many Religions?  and Can they all be right?"

Week 5- Why are there so many religions?
-Why do you think that there are so many religions?
-Is it possible that they can all be right?  Why or why not?
Read Romans 1:18-22
-Why would some people refuse to believe in and worship God?
-Is it possible that the God of the Bible is the same as God(s) of other religions? 
-How can we know that the God of the Bible is the one TRUE God?
-How does fulfilled prophecy show that the Bible is inspired by God?