A few weeks back we started a new DVD series titled Gospel Journey Maui. Gospel Journey is produced by Dare 2 Share Ministries and has the flavor of a reality TV series minus the elements that MTV insists wins viewers over. Its all about having discussions of faith revolving around the Gospel. Each week I will be posting the title of the video, along with any discussion questions we tackled as a group. Hopefully this resource will help you dissect the subject matter with your students a little further at home! Here is a little clip that shows what the series is like with our discussion questions listed below.
Week 1- Is There A Higher Power?
-What evidences do you see on a regular basis that might prove that there is a higher power or a God?
Read Psalms 33:6-9 -what stands out to you the most about this passage?
-how might this passage help you answer the question “Is there a God”?
-what stands out to you the most about this passage?
-this God that created the world from nothing is not just an artist that stands at a distance, He created the world and everything in it, but declared that we (Mankind) was his Greatest creation.It’s the first part of the Gospel acrostic.Do you believe that, above all else, God created us to be with him?
Week 2- What is the Purpose of Life (part 1)? 1/19/14
-Do you think that most teens struggle with finding purpose in their lives?Why or why not?
Read Ecclesiasties 2:11
-What does Solomon mean when he talks about chasing after the wind?
-What was it that made everything Solomon pursued feel meaningless?
-What are some things you or others might do in order to find purpose in life?
-Are you content with what you have or are you wanting more from life?
Week 3- What is the Purpose of Life (part 2)? 1/26/14
-Do we need a purpose in life? Why or why not?
Read Ecclesiasties 12:13-14
What it mean to obey God’s commands?
Does it motivate or intimidate you to know that everything you do will one day be judged by God?
In the video you heard several different viewpoints on what people believe “our purpose is in life”.Christians believe that our purpose is to KNOW God and to MAKE HIM KNOWN.Like Zane, are you ready to embrace this purpose and to share it with others?
In addition to the discussion questions, we challenge students to take home the handouts and work to memorize the Dare 2 Share Gospel acrostic. This is a simple and complete explanation of the Gospel story. We call it "Life in 6 Words"